Source Audio Soundblox Pro Poly-Mod Filter Control Supplement User Manual

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For example, in the case of the Sweep Range knob, this means that rocking the expression pedal
forward while the knob is set to its full counter-clockwise position may pass the signal from
maximum negative sweep through zero modulation to maximum positive sweep.

For split function knobs such as Sweep Range, it is advisable to set the destination knob to 12
o’clock and set the ‘XD’ parameter to half of its maximum positive (+6) or negative (-6) so that the
full range of the expression corresponds to the full range of one function.

For single function knobs such as Frequency, it is advisable to set the destination knob to it’s full
counter-clockwise position and set the ‘XD’ parameter to its maximum positive (+12) so that the
full range of the expression pedal corresponds to the full range of the knob.

There are 13 possible ‘XC’ selections. Starting from the bottom (-12), they are:
