About your snap circuits, Green parts – Elenco Green Projects User Manual

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About Your Snap Circuits


Green Parts

The red & yellow LED’s (D1 & D5) are light
emitting diodes, and may be thought of as a
special one-way light bulb. In the “forward”
direction, (indicated by the “arrow” in the symbol)
electricity flows if the voltage exceeds a turn-on
threshold (about 1.5V for red and 2V for yellow);
brightness then increases. A high current will
burn out the LED, so the current must be limited
by other components in the circuit. LED’s block
electricity in the “reverse” direction.




The 470

μμF capacitor (C5) can store electrical

pressure (voltage) for periods of time. This
storage ability allows it to block stable voltage
signals and pass changing ones. Capacitors are
used for filtering and delay circuits.

The horn (W1) converts electricity into sound by
making mechanical vibrations. These vibrations
create variations in air pressure, which travel

across the room. You “hear”

sound when your ears feel

these air pressure


The clock (T2) contains a small crystal. When a
crystal is struck by an electronic pulse, it vibrates.
A microelectronic circuit makes the pulse and
measures the vibration rate. The vibration rate is

used as a time

standard, from

which minutes,

hours, and the

date are


The pivot stand contains two resistors, 47

Ω and


Ω. Resistors “resist” the flow of electricity and

are used to control or limit the electricity in a
circuit. Materials like metal have very low
resistance (<1

Ω), while materials like paper,

plastic, and air have near-infinite resistance.

Increasing circuit

resistance reduces

the flow of





The hand crank (HC) is a motor with a
gearbox attached. The gearbox
spins the motor shaft faster
but with less force
than you are
turning the
hand crank.

Hand Crank

The press switch (S2) connects (pressed, “ON”)
or disconnects (not pressed, “OFF”) the wires in
a circuit. When ON it has no effect on circuit
performance. It turns on electricity just like a

faucet turns on water

from a pipe.

Press Switch (S2)

The slide switch



(ON) the center

snap to one of the

other two snaps.

When connected it has

no effect on circuit

performance. It directs electricity just like a value
controls water in a pipe.

Slide Switch (S5)

LED’s (D1) & (D5)

Capacitor (C5)

Horn (W1)

Clock (T2)

Pivot Stand

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