Spherical, Coordinates, Selection – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

Page 518

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A data item or set of data items chosen for
inspection and/or analysis. Regardless of the kinds


of windows on the screen, selections can be made
using the Select and SQL Select Query commands
in MapInfo Professional's Query menu. In Browsers
and Map windows, items can be placed in the
selection set by clicking on them individually. Map
windows also have special tools for selecting
multiple items on a spatial basis.

Use this button to make the selected object's district
the new target district. See



Set Target District from Map button

The MapBasic window button allows you to display
or hide the MapBasic window. You can perform

Show MapBasic Window button

many different tasks by typing commands into the
MapBasic window. Choosing items from MapInfo
Professional's menus could instead perform those
same tasks. There are times, however, when it is
easier to type commands into the command

A feature that helps in drawing, moving and
positioning map objects. In Snap mode (S key) the

snap to nodes

cursor snaps to a node of a map object when it
comes within a certain distance.

A permanent table, as opposed to a query table,
which is temporary. You can edit the contents of

source table

source tables and you can change their structure
(by editing, deleting, reordering columns and adding
or deleting graphic objects). You cannot make edits
and structural changes on query tables but you can
edit a selected set of rows in your source table
through a query table.

An operation that examines data with the intent to
extract or create new data that fulfills some required

spatial analysis

condition or conditions. It includes such GIS
functions as polygon overlay or buffer generation
and the concepts of contains, intersects, within or

Latitude and longitude values that represent objects
on the surface of the globe.

spherical coordinates

A standard language used for analyzing information
stored in relational databases. MapInfo

SQL (Structured Query Language)

Professional's database engine is based on the
SQL standard.

The selection of information from a database
according to the textual attributes and object

SQL query

relationships of the items. In MapInfo Professional,
queries are created with the SQL Select and Select

MapInfo Professional 12.5


Glossary of Terms
