Hints and tips – Rocktron Reaction Tuner User Manual

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Hints and Tips:

The Reaction Tuner is sensitive, so it is not necessary

to strike your string very hard, standard string attack

will work. Additionally, if you are in a loud environ-

ment try using harmonics to tune your instrument.

Lightly touch the string over the 12th fret

of your instrument and pick the string with normal

pick attack. This will create a harmonic. It will work

on all strings. The MUTED Output is ideal for tuning

in live situations. This allows you to tune without

everyone in the audience hearing you tune. Addition-

ally, this will mute the signal going to your amplifier

which will help you keep down noise generated if you

are using a high gain amplifier.

As with all stomp boxes, when you are not using it,

unplug all cables to prolong battery life.
