Rocktron Black Cat Moan User Manual

Page 10

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MOAN ON/OFF LED - When the LED is lit the MOAN effect
will be ON. When the LED is not lit the MOAN effect is

COMBINE LED - When this Red LED is lit the COMBINE
function is activated. When the LED is not lit, the COMBINE
function is bypassed.

COMBINE MOAN/WAH Switch - this switch allows you to
apply the MOAN effect to the wah. Here are the two functions
of the switch:

1) When COMBINE MOAN/WAH is activated the
red LED will be lit. This will apply the MOAN effect
to the wah effect which is controlled by the “rocker
footpedal”. The MOAN effect will now only become
active once the wah is activated by the switch under
the toe (see point 2). Please note that in this case,
the MOAN must be ON and the green led lit.
purpose of this function is to allow you to setup and
establish a MOAN effect and wah sound together so
that when you are ready to use it in your song you
don’t have to first turn on the moan and then the wah
effect - you only need to now activate the wah via the
switch under the toe (see point 2) and both the
MOAN and WAH effects will be active.

2) When the COMBINE MOAN/WAH is not
activated the LED will not be lit. Thus will allow for
independent control of the MOAN and WAH effects.
