Windshield wiper blade replacement, Tires, Windshield wiper blade replacement -52 – Pontiac 2005 GTO User Manual

Page 238: Tires -52, Caution

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Windshield Wiper Blade

Windshield wiper blades should be inspected at least
twice a year for wear or cracking. See Owner Checks
and Services
on page 6-8 for more information.

To replace the wiper blade assembly:

1. Lift the wiper up from the windshield and set into

the vertically-locked position.

2. Press the tab that holds the wiper blade to the arm.

3. Slide the blade down and off the arm.

4. Slide in the new blade and snap into place.


Your new vehicle comes with high-quality tires made by
a leading tire manufacturer. If you ever have questions
about your tire warranty and where to obtain service,
see your GM Warranty booklet for details. For additional
information refer to the tire manufacturer’s booklet
included with your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual.



Poorly maintained and improperly used
tires are dangerous.

Overloading your tires can cause
overheating as a result of too much
friction. You could have an air-out and a
serious accident. See Loading Your
on page 4-29.

Underinflated tires pose the same danger
as overloaded tires. The resulting accident
could cause serious injury. Check all tires
frequently to maintain the recommended
pressure. Tire pressure should be checked
when your tires are cold.



