New balance (06), New / old check (93), Operator number key (078) – Delta TE-4000 User Manual

Page 23: Receipt (038), Price shift (070), This is usually used for half pints and doubles, Separate check (095)

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New Balance (06)

This function is used to temporally finalise or hold a transaction

New / Old Check (93)

This function is used to open Checks / Tables

#/NS (041)

Used to open the drawer and for cash declaration operation

Operator Number Key (078)

This key is used when transferring a check from one clerk to

Receipt (038)

This function allows you to produce post and guest receipts

Price shift (070)

This function allows you to have a second price for PLU’s .
This is usually used for half pints and doubles

Separate Check (095)

This function is used to split a bill in to the number of people sitting
at a table or the amount of people paying for the meal. Each Item
of the bill can be separated into another temporary check/table for

Table Number Key (58)

This function is a table reference number
It can be possible in some applications that you are check/bill
number 100 but setting at table number 1
