Ivie IE-45 RTA - Real Time Analysis User Manual

Page 2

background image

S tep 1 - T ap an empty
S cratch memory location
1 - 9 (colored in R ed). T he
curve will appear on the
screen and the S cratch
memory background color
will turn B lue indicating it is
now filled and being displayed.

T ap the B lue S cratch memory
to remove the stored curve
from the display. T he
background color will turn to
B uff indicating that the memory
is filled but not presently

S tore a curve to memory

S tep 2 - T o store a S cratch memory to the
main memory, tap on the "Memory" control to
bring up the memory management screen.

R ed ="P E " curve not stored
B lue = S cratch memory #3
R ed "A"= No Average curve
is stored.
G reen "R " = R T A curve is

F rom this screen you can "S tore" a S cratch memory to
main memory or "Load" a memory from main back into
a S cratch memory. P referred, P eak and S ubtraction
memories can also be "S tored" and "Loaded."

R e-name a memory
from "S cratch" to a
more descriptive name
and tap on "S AV E ."

T ap on a memory file to
move it into a S cratch
memory so it can be

S tep 3 - T he result will be displayed
in blue on the screen. T o exit this
mode, tap on "S ubtract" and then
"C ANC E L."

S tep 2 - S elect
two sources or
spectrums for
S cratch Memory,
P referred C urve,
R T A Display or
Average and then
T ap "S 1 - S 2."

S tep 1 - T ap
on the yellow
"S ubtract"

S tep 1 - T ap on "Options" then "Memory
C ursor."
S tep 2 - T ap on "S top."
S tep 3 - T urn R T A display On/Off as
S tep 4- Use Left/R ight C ursor to select the

B uff colored 1, 2, 4 & 5 =
C urves are stored in these
memories but they are not
currently being displayed.

R ed colored 6, 7, 8 & 9 =
T hese S cratch memories
are empty and available for
curve storage.

S ubtract / Dis play T wo

Memory C urs or

C ontinuous /T rigger Mode

S tep 1 - S elect either the
C ontinuous (C ont.) or T rigger mode
for Averaging.

T he C ontinuous mode will
automatically take sample after
sample until the "P ause/R esume"
control is pressed.

T he T rigger mode will take only one
sample each time the "Add" control is

B oth R T A and Average curve displayed
(G reen = display on, B uff = display off)

T o S elect A veraging Method
1 - T ap "F ile."

R eal time "R " and Average

"A" displays turned on.

R eal time "R " display Off

Average "A" display turned on.

S tep 2 - T ap on the "Average-P "
control to enter into Average mode.

S tep 3 - T he "Average" display will be replaced with a "C ount=X"
display, with X= the number of samples taken. In the T rigger mode
the C ount will be incremented with each tap of the "Add" control.
In C ontinuous mode the C ount will be controlled by the
"P ause/R esume" control.

S tep 4 - S tore the Average curve by selecting any un-used scratch
memory. If you wish to store the real-time curve instead of the
Average curve, turn off the Average curve display before pressing
the S cratch Memory S tore control.

T ap " C lear" to C lear the A verage curve and res et the
C ount to zero.


C urve

With Average curve displayed, press an empty

(red color) S cratch Memory to store.

R T A Memories

R T A Averaging F unctions

T he IE -45 offers powerful Memory Management functions (see manual for details).
B asically, there are nine S cratch Memories, an Average memory and a P referred
C urve memory available via on-screen controls, but spectra captured in these
temporary S cratch Memory slots can be renamed and stored in virtually unlimited

T he various averaging functions of the IE -45 constitute one of the most powerful
feature sets in the instrument. S patial averaging is made easier (you don't have to
average one memory with another). Averaging samples can be automatically or
manually collected. T he user can select Arithmetic or P ower averages. S ee the
manual for a complete outline of the IE -45's powerful averaging features.

Memory #3 being displayed


2 - T ap "P references."
3 - T ap either "P ower
Average." or "Arithmetic

F req
