Herrmidifier Herrmidicool Technical Guide User Manual

Page 8

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When installed ahead of a cooling coil, the rule of thumb
is that if the heads are placed 3’ upstream of the coil, 1%
of the total capacity of the system will go down the drain,
at 2', 2.5% will drain away at 1’ or less, >5% will be lost.
A small amount of run down on the coil is good and
tends to keep the coil clean and free of any mineral
deposits (see section on mineral content in water). (See
Fig. 1)

Since the object is to utilize the cross-sectional surface
area, more than one manifold should be used on tall,
multiple coil sections. (Each manifold would be staged
and modulated). The heads on each manifold may be
angled up and/or down as required to enhance the
distribution of the spray. (See Fig. 2)

HERRMIDICOOL Technical Manual
