Troubleshooting – Lumens Technology Ladibug MAC User Manual

Page 23

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8. Troubleshooting

8.1 Question: Black screen is displayed in live image after Ladibug™ was



1. Remove the Ladibug™

then restart the computer.

2. Re-install the Ladibug™

8.2 Question: When running the Ladibug™, no image is displayed and get a

Ladibug error message:

“System video limitation reached. Please refer to the troubleshooting section of the

Ladibug user’s manual.”


1. Please check if you are using an extended desktop (two monitors) hooked up to the

computer. If so, please try to move the Ladibug™ shortcut to the extended desktop (the
second monitor) and launch it.

2. If step 1 still doesn’t work, please turn off extended desktop.
3. If step 2 still doesn’t work, please reduce the resolution of desktop.
4. If step 3 still doesn’t work, please re-install Ladibug™ software.

8.3 Question: What are the steps for using PhotoBooth after Ladibug


is installed?


1. Open the folder Application and enter the “/Library/QuickTime”.
2. Select

LumensWirelessDC1.component” and move this file to the desktop.

3. PhotoBooth is ready for use.
4. After the use, please move “LumensWirelessDC1.component” back to the folder

/Library/QuickTime”, and then Ladibug


is ready for use.
