RADO DiaMaster_Chrono_Automatic User Manual

Page 4

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Short times are measured in hours, minutes
and seconds.

Normal function

Make sure that the chronograph hands are at
zero. If they are not, press Button B to set the
hands to zero.

Press button A.

Press Button A a second time.
The time measured can now be read off. In the
example, this is 3 hours, 40 minutes (note the
position of the hand on the hour-counter), 3

Setting to zero:
Press Button B. All chronograph hands will be
set to zero.

Measuring time in Add Mode

If the chronograph hands are not reset to zero
using Button A, the duration of several events
will be added together automatically.

Make sure that the chronograph hands are set
to zero. If this is not the case, press Button B
and the hands will reset to zero

1st start:
Press Button A.

1st Stop:
Press Button A. The first time measurement
can now be read off.

91653__DiaMaster__10.99_cj. 4.9.2001 8:30 Uhr Seite 16
