Features, Selected databases list, Add database dialog – Emerson Process Management D5092 User Manual

Page 14: Alarm printer view, Remote automation solutions

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Reference Guide

11-Dec-2007 - Page 14

Alarm Printer View

Remote Automation Solutions

Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote Features

Selected Databases List

Displays the databases from which the Alarm Printer will source alarms.

Add Database Dialog

Enables the user to add an OpenEnterprise Database to the 'Selected Databases' List.

A remote database is defined by the Server's DNS name(s) followed by a colon, followed by 'rtrdb1'
(eg OEServer:rtrdb1). There is a comma in between each server if the Database is running in
Redundant mode- (eg Master1:rtrdb,Master2:rtrdb1). OpenEnterprise Databases may also be defined
by IP addresses (eg,102:10.0.91:rtrdb1). The Server DNS names may be aliased
using the Hosts file found in the 'C:\Winnt\System32\Drivers\etc' directory. This allows
Databases to be named independently of specific IP addresses or DNS names. A sample Hosts entry
is shown below: - oeserv1 oedwat1 #pserv1 oeserv2 oedwat2 #pserv1

The IP addresses of the Servers are given on the left, then after a space or tab each alias name is
specified. In the example above there are two alias names defined for each Server. The hash
indicates that what follows is a comment. After the hash above the real DNS names of the Servers is
given as a reminder. With the above Hosts file, 'pinging' oeserv1 would result in a reply from the
machine with the IP address, even though its real DNS name is pserv1.
