Hush Puppies PUPPIES G71026 User Manual

Hush Puppies Consoles

background image

Congratulations, you're the proud owner of
a new puppy! Your pet needs plenty of
praise and attention to grow big and strong,
so make sure you feed and walk her every
day. As your puppy grows, you can play
games with her, teach her a few new tricks,
or even help her win the grand prize in a pet


Select - Press this button to select a high-
lighted menu item.

Volume - Press this button to control the
volume level during gameplay.

Menu - Press this button at any time to
view the Main Menu (Home, Game, Trick,
Feed and Walk).

Clock - Press this button at any time to
toggle between game and clock modes.

Directional Keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) -
Use these buttons to scroll or toggle
between menu items. You will also use
these buttons in Game mode.

Call - Press this button at any time to wake
the unit from sleep mode and enter voice

Green Light - This light will come on auto-
matically when in game and trick modes.
When this light is on, speak your voice
command. If you do not wait until this light
is on, your puppy will not be able to "hear"
your command.

Reset - Using a thin rounded object, press
this button to reset your game. After reset-
ting your game, you will need to adopt a
new puppy and start from the beginning.


Once you remove your Password Puppies
game from the package, you will need to
reset the game.

• Insert a small tool into the Reset hole on

the front of the game. Gently press Down
directional key
until you see the words
"Password Puppies" appear on the

• Next, the words "Set time" will flash on

the screen. Then you'll see 12:00 and a
sun symbol, indicating that the clock is
currently set to 12 midnight.

• Use the Up and Down directional keys to

scroll through the minutes.

• When the minute is correct, press the Left

directional key.

• Use the Up and Down directional keys to

scroll through the hours. When you reach
12 noon, the Sun icon (representing A.M.)
will change to a Moon icon (representing

• When you're done setting the time, press

the Select button.


Now it's time to choose your puppy!

• A sleeping puppy will appear on the screen.

Press the Right directional key to scroll to
the right, and you'll see three more puppies.
Continue using the Left and Right direc-
tional keys
to scroll between the puppies.

• When you see the puppy you want to

adopt, press the Select button.

• The words "Do you want to adopt? Yes

No" will scroll across the screen.

• Press the Left and Right directional keys

to toggle between "Yes" and "No". When
you have selected an answer, press the
Select button.


Now that your puppy is home, it's time to
choose a name!

• The words "Do you want to name your pet?

Yes No" will scroll across the screen.

• If you select "Yes" the words "Please follow

naming instructions" will scroll across the
screen. If you select “No”, you will repeat

• You will be asked to call your pet's name.

"Call your pet's name now." If you do not
hear audio instructions during this stage,
you must reset the product and try a sec-
ond time.

• Wait until the green light is on, then say

your puppy's name. Be sure to speak
clearly and slowly.

• You will be asked to repeat your puppy's

name. "Please repeat".

• If you did not speak loud enough, or if there

was too much noise in the background, you
will be prompted to say your puppy's name
again. "Louder please" or "Error, begin

• When you have recorded your puppy's

name correctly, you will hear "Naming com-


You'll need to call your puppy every time you
return to the game to wake the unit from
Sleep mode.

• Press the Call button.

• Wait until the green light is on, then say

your puppy's name. Remember to speak
clearly and slowly.

• Your puppy will appear on the screen.

Note: You may need to call your pet's name
several times before your puppy appears on
the screen. Remember to press the Call but-
ton each time, and wait until the green light is
on before you say your puppy's name.


With your help, your puppy will grow through
four stages: New born, One Week, One Year,
and Full Grown. In each stage, your puppy
will be able to play new games and perform
more tricks.

To help your puppy grow into the next stage,
you will be responsible for feeding, walking
and praising her each day. You will have a
minimum amount of responsibilities for each
stage. For example, in your puppy's New
born stage, you must feed her 3 times, walk
her 2 times and praise her 3 times. (You can-
not feed or walk your puppy more than once
per hour, but you can praise her as much as
you'd like!)

Your puppy's day will end at midnight, so you
must have completed the food, walk and
praise responsibilities by that time. If you
have completed your responsibilities for that
day, your puppy will advance to the next
stage. If you do not meet your responsibili-
ties by midnight, your puppy will let you know
that he's unhappy. (see section “Grad.” on
below label.)

Label on battery door


As he grows, your puppy will recognize and
respond to your voice commands. Use
these commands (see sections “Home” and
“Trick” on above label) to see your puppy
perform a trick, or play a game with you.

Remember to say your commands in a nor-
mal, calm voice. Background sounds or
other voices may prevent your puppy from
hearing your commands.

• Press the Call button.

• Wait until the green light is on, then say

your command.

• If your pet did not understand your com-

mand, the puppy will tilt his head and
whimper. Press the Call button and try


Your pet can play four games: Fetch, Maze,
Course and Pet Show. If your puppy is not
old enough to play a particular game, the
game will be crossed out in the Game

To play a game, press the Menu button.

• Use the Up and Down directional keys to

highlight the word "Game". Then press the
Select button.

• You will see the Game Menu.

• Use the Up and Down directional keys to

scroll through the list of games. When
you have highlighted the game you want
to play, press the Select button.

• If your puppy is not old enough to play a

particular game, the game will be crossed
out in the Game Menu.

You can also access the Game Menu by
using the voice command "Wanna play".
(Not suitable in New born stage)

• Press the Call button. Wait until the green

light is on, then say "Wanna play". You
will automatically see the Game Menu.

• If you do not see the Game Menu, your

pet did not understand the command.
Press the Call button and try again.


In the Fetch game, you must help your
puppy find a stick and bring it back to you.

• Press the Menu button.

• Use the Down directional key to highlight

the word "Game".

• Press the Select button.

• Use the Up and Down directional keys to

highlight the word "Fetch".

• Press the Select button to start the game.

• Your puppy will appear on the screen.

Wait until the green light is on, then say
"Fetch". Your puppy will start running
after the stick.

• A new screen will appear with a "bird's

eye" view of your puppy and the stick.
(The stick is always in the center of the

• Use the Up, Down, Left and Right direc-

tional keys to direct your puppy to the

• If your puppy does not find the stick, he or

she will return to the screen. To keep
playing, say "Fetch" again. Remember to
wait until the green light is on before you

• If your puppy runs off the screen, the

game is over and you will return to the
Game Select screen with the word "Fetch"
highlighted. To play again, press the
Select button.

• When your puppy finds the stick, he or

she will bring it back to you. Wait until the
green light is on, then say "Drop it". Your
puppy will drop the stick and you'll hear
"You did it!"

• To leave the Fetch game, press the Menu

button. Use the Up and Down direction-
al keys
to highlight a new menu selection.
When you are finished, press the Select


The Maze game has six levels, each more
difficult than the last. In each level, your
puppy must collect all of the balls in the
maze, while trying to avoid the cat that is
also traveling through the maze. When all of
the balls have been collected, your pet must
go to the center of the maze to collect a
bone. Your puppy will not be able to collect
a bone until all of the balls have been found.


Model G71026

For 1 player / Ages 8 and up


P/N 82355600 Rev.A










To exit demo mode, press

the “Reset” button on the game.
