5 example response - rsp, 6 example notification - ntf, 6 rqst error responses and examples – Mark Levinson 512 User Manual

Page 9: Example response - rsp, Example notification - ntf, Rqst error responses and examples

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Mark Levinson



512 CD/SACD Player Serial Communications Protocol


5.5 Example Response - RSP

RSP:CS:PWR:ACK\r – outgoing Response (RSP) generated from a Control Source request,
indicating the command (PWR) is valid and the parameter supplied during the request is within
the expected range, acknowledging (ACK) the request is being processed.

RSP:CS:PWR:ON\r – outgoing Response (RSP) generated from a Control Source query request,
indicating the command (PWR) current state is (ON).

RSP:CS:PWR:EN\r – outgoing Response (RSP) generated from a Control Source notification
state query request, indicating the command (PWR) notification is enabled (EN).

5.6 Example Notification - NTF

NTF:UI:PWR:ON\r – outgoing Notification generated from a User Interaction (UI), indicating the
command power (PWR) has turned ON.

– outgoing Notification generated from a User Interaction (UI), indicating the
command volume (VOL) is set to 25.6.

NOTE: Notifications for a specific command must be enabled for system generated messages. A
User Interaction indicates that a system parameter has changed by a user manipulating the
systems front panel controls, IR controls, or by changing a system parameter using the External

6 RQST Error Responses and Examples

The External Protocol responds with the following message parameters when an unexpected Incoming
Request string is detected. If these responses are received, verify spelling, spacing and capitalization of
all characters of the failing field.

The format of the response message string indicates where the error has been detected, as shown in the

ƒ INVALID_SRC – The entered Source is not a valid source and is not recognized by the system.

Example: RSP:INVALID_SRC\r – received if sending RQST:Cs:VOL:50.0\r

ƒ INVALID_CMD – The entered Command is not a valid command and is not recognized by the

system. Example: RSP:CS:INVALID_CMD\r – received if sending RQST:CS:VoL:50.0\r

ƒ INVALID_PRM – The entered Parameter is not a valid parameter for the given command, or is

out of the acceptable range for the command.
Example: RSP:CS:VOL:INVALID_PRM\r – received if sending RQST:CS:VOL:47.855\r

ƒ INVALID_STR – The entered Request String is not formatted correctly and is not valid.

Example: RSP:CS:INVALID_STR\r – received if sending QST:CS:VOL:50.0\r, or

ƒ NACK – The incoming request is Not Acknowledged, indicating the system is in Standby and the

request is being ignored.
Example: RSP:CS:VOL:NACK\r – received if sending RQST:CS:VOL:50.0\r while the system
is in Standby
