Danger – Jacuzzi J - 315 User Manual

Page 35

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An optional chemical feeder is available through your

authorized Jacuzzi dealer that installs under the filter cap

(#2472-673). Always remove the chemical feeder cap and

feeder (when used) during the filter cleaning process by

turning the cap handle counterclockwise. Reinstall the cap

and feeder back onto the filter cartridge after the filter

cleaning process is complete. It is recommended that latex

gloves be used to avoid touching the chemical feeder

during the filter cleaning process.

note: When used, the chemical feeder MUST remain on the circulation

pump filter cartridge! This filter cartridge is the one with the grid across

the wall fitting as shown (right).

to DeCrease risk oF Death, Drowning or entraPMent,

alwaYs Turn power To spa oFF BeFore CleanInG THe

FIlTer CarTrIDGes!

note: Refer to steps A-J on following page for complete filter cleaning/

replacement instructions.



Turn power To spa oFF! To DeCrease

risk oF Death, Drowning, or entraPMent, never

operaTe spa wHen FIlTer Is noT properlY InsTalleD

or IF sKImmer assemBlY Is DamaGeD or alTereD!


Lift cover approx. 3/8" to

unclip, then tilt forward to

access filter cartridges.


(Filter Cover Back View)

Remove skimmer bag

from clips, then clean out



Rotate each filter

cartridge handle

counterclockwise to

unthread from mating

wall fitting.

This manual is related to the following products: