Step by step multitrack recording, Soundscape mixpander – Solid State Logic 4.3 User Manual

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Soundscape Mixpander

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6. Step by Step Multitrack Recording

Multitrack recording example using the SSL Soundscape Mixer and Cubase SX

NOTE:  It  is  impossible  to  provide  step  by  step  examples  for  all  the  recording  applications  on  the 
market.  This  example  is  based  on  using  Cubase  SX2.0.  The  procedure  will  be  similar  but  not 
identical for other applications. In particular, the choice of drivers may be different. Please also read 
the documentation supplied with your chosen application for comprehensive information. 

NOTE: For this step by step example it is assumed that a number of stereo tracks will be recorded, 
that the SSL Soundscape hardware and Mixer software are already installed and that Cubase SX 2.0 
or  higher  is  also  correctly  installed.  Sound  sources  must  be  connected  to  up  to  sixteen  SSL 
Soundscape hardware inputs (eight stereo pairs), and outputs 1 and 2 (AES/EBU, ADAT, analogue 
or MADI) of the SSL Soundscape hardware must be connected to the monitoring system. It is also 
assumed  that  you  have  spent  some  time  with  Cubase  and  become  familiar  with  its  basic  operation 
(such as initiating Play or Record). 

1. Make sure that the SSL Soundscape Mixer application is running. If it is not running, start it by
clicking the Start Menu shortcut. Load the Mix3.mix mixer file by clicking “Open” under the File
menu and using the dialog boxes.

2. If necessary, change the assignment of the input elements in mixer columns 1 to 8, and the
assignment of the output element in mixer column 9, using the I/O and DSP
Assign tool, as described in the “Modifying the routing” section. For instance, in
the example below, the Alpha-Link unit is a MADI SX model and the mixer
routing uses the AES/EBU inputs and outputs. Change this to the analogue (or
MADI) inputs and outputs if appropriate, depending on the Alpha-Link model
you are using and the connections you used for your sound sources and
monitoring system.

Output element (change its
assignment if necessary in
mixer column 9)

Input element, column 1 (change the

assignment of these elements if

necessary in mixer columns 1 to 8)
