Adjusting your set up (menus) (continued), Using the video menu, Using the audio menu – Sony KP-53SV75A User Manual

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Adjusting Your SET UP (menus) (continued)


picture viewing

Ajuste de imagen

Picture adjustment


White intensity

Reduccion de

Nose reduction

You can choose one of five different video modes that best suits the program you
are watching. You can also perform the “Ajuste de imagen” (such as “Brillo,”
“Color,” etc.) for “Películas,” “Personal 1” or “Personal 2” to suit your taste.
Vívido: Select for enhanced picture contrast and sharpness.
Estándar: Select to display a standard picture for normal viewing


Películas: Select to display a finely detailed picture for low light environments.
Personal 1, Personal 2: Select to customize the “Ajuste de imagen” of the

Video menu according to your personal preference.

Press PICTURE MODE on the remote control for direct selection of a “Modo”

First select “Películas,” “Personal 1” or “Personal 2” from “Modo,” then highlight
the desired option using the

V or v button and press

to display the adjusting

slider of the selected option.
Contraste: Adjust slider right (up) to increase picture

contrast; left (down) to decrease it.

Brillo: Adjust slider right (up) to brighten the

picture; left (down) to darken it.

Color: Adjust slider right (up) to increase color

intensity; left (down) to decrease it.

Tinte: Adjust slider right (up) to increase the green

tones; left (down) to increase the red tones.

Nitidez: Adjust slider right (up) to sharpen the

picture; left (down) to soften it.

Alto: Select to give the white colors a blueish tint.
Medio: Select to give the white colors a neutral tint.
Normal: Select to give the white colors a reddish tint.

“Reduccion de ruido” can only be set when the TV input is selected and “Modo”
of the Video menu is set to “Peliculas,” “Personal 1”or “Personal 2”.
Select Si toreduce picture noise.
Select No to cancel the feature.

To restore the factory settings

Press RESET on the remote control while the
Video menu is selected. To restore each
“Modo” to the factory setting, press RESET
after selecting the mode to be reset.

Using the Video Menu

For detailed information on using the remote
control to modify menu settings, refer to
“Learning Menu Selection” on page 19.

To select the Video








V i d e o

M o d o : V í v i d o
A j u s t e d e i m a g e n
T r i n i t o n e : A l t o






P e r s o n a l 1

C o n t r a s t e

T i n t e

C o l o r

B r i l l o

N i t i d e z






2 1


Sound adjustment


Sound adjustment


Sound adjustment


Enjoy stereo,
bilingual and mono

Auto Volumen

Adjust the sound


surround sound
effects based on the
program’s audio

Adjust slider right (up) to increase high pitched sounds.
Adjust slider left (down) to decrease high pitched sounds.

Adjust slider right (up) to increase low pitched sounds.
Adjust slider left (down) to decrease low pitched sounds.

Adjust slider right (up) to emphasize right speaker volume.
Adjust slider left (down) to emphasize left speaker volume.

When the sound is intermittent due to poor reception conditions, select “Estéreo”
or “SAP.”
Estéreo: Select for stereo reception when viewing a program broadcast in


SAP: Select to listen to a bilingual broadcast. (non-SAP programs will be muted

when this feature is selected)

Mono: Select for mono reception. (use to reduce noise during stereo broadcasts)
SAP auto: Select to listen to SAP when a SAP program is broadcast and return

to stereo reception automatically for non-SAP programs. (KP-43T75C/
53V75C/61SV75C ONLY)

Quick MTS access: Press


on the remote control to cycle through the

“MTS/SAP” options as follows:

Estéreo n SAP n Mono (KP-43T75A/53V75A)
Estéreo n SAP n Mono n SAP auto (KP-43T75C/53SV75C/61SV75C)

Sí: Sound output coming from TV speakers have the volume level equalized for all

channel audio inputs when broadcasts have different sound transmission levels.

No: Sound output coming from the TV speakers varies according to the received


“Efecto” can only be set when “Parlantes” is set to “Sí” or “No.”
Simulado: Adds a surround-like effect to mono programs.
Surround: Simulates sound with the atmosphere of a movie theater or a concert

hall for stereo programs.

BBE*: Centers the sound intensity to the front, creating an effect as if you were

seated in front of an orchestra.

No: Normal stereo or mono reception.

Quick Effect access: Press

on the remote control to cycle through the

“Efecto” options as follows: Simulado n Surround n BBE n No.


Using the Audio Menu

For detailed information on using the remote
control to modify menu settings, refer to
“Learning Menu Selection” on page 19.

To select the Audio







To restore the factory settings

Press RESET on the remote control while the
Audio menu is selected.

* The BBE is manufactured by Sony Corporation

under license from BBE Sound, Inc. It is covered
by U.S. Patent No. 4,638,258 and No. 4,482,866.
The word “BBE” and the BBE symbol are the
trademarks of BBE Sound, Inc.




A u d i o

A g u d o s
G r a v e s
B a l a n c e
M T S / S A P :
A u t o v o l u m e n :
E f e c t o :
P a r l a n t e s :
S a l i d a d e a u d i o : V a r i a b l e
C o n t r o l S A V A S P





E s t é r e o

S í

S í

S u r r o u n d


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