Weight loss & detox, Taste sensation, Recipes – Kambrook KS200 User Manual

Page 8

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WeIGht LoSS & DetoX

CUCUmber, CeLery & beetroot
Beetroot stimulates liver function and is a
powerful cleanser for the body.

1 small cucumber

¼ bunch celery, trimmed

4 small or 2 large beetroots, stalks removed and

Process all ingredients through the juicer and
serve immediately.

PINeaPPLe, meLoN & GraPe
The enzyme in pineapple suppresses the
appetite, while the melon and grapes provide a
tasty and nutritious base.

½ pineapple, peeled and sliced

¼ ripe cantaloupe melon, peeled and sliced

1 cup seedless green grapes

Process all ingredients through the juicer and
serve immediately.

taSte SeNSatIoN

WatermeLoN, aPrICot &

2 cups cubed watermelon, peeled and seeded

6 apricots, stoned

1 punnet strawberries, hulled

Process all ingredients through the juicer and
serve immediately.

3 ruby oranges, peeled

½ lime, peeled

1 passion fruit

Process the oranges and the lime through the
juicer. Scoop out the passion fruit flesh with a
spoon and stir into the prepared juice. Serve

troPICaL bLeND
1 mango, halved and peeled with stone removed

1½ kiwi fruit, peeled

½ cup fresh mint leaves

¼ pineapple, trimmed and sliced

½ cup crushed ice

Process fruits and mint through the juicer.
Scoop ice into glasses. Pour juice over and serve

