Managing your pulse smartpen, Managing applications, Viewing installed applications and software – Livescribe DESKTOP VERSION 1.2 User Manual

Page 65: Anatomy of an apps view list, View all applications you own

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Managing Your Pulse Smartpen

Your Pulse™ smartpen stores your notes and audio recordings, applications like

Paper Replay™, and internal software and firmware. With Livescribe Desktop, you
can view and manage what is installed and stored on your smartpen, including:

view and manage applications installed on your Pulse smartpen

view and free up Pulse smartpen memory

Managing Applications

Using Smartpen Manager, you can manage your Pulse™ smartpen applications. With
Smartpen Manager, you can:

view all applications you own

install software updates

install new software

Viewing Installed Applications and Software

To view all applications you own and other software installed on your

Pulse™ smartpen:

1. Click the Smartpen Manager

button in the Main tool bar.

2. Click the Apps View

button. You will see a list of all the

applications and software you currently own.

Anatomy of an Apps View List

When you view a list of applications and software in Smartpen Manager, Livescribe™
Desktop displays them as a list of rows with named columns. The table below

describes the columns of the Apps View list.
