Selecting the desired function, Param list parameters, Musette detune – Roland FR-3s User Manual

Page 39: Master tune, Transpose, Treble mode (only on the fr3sb and fr3b), Det tun trp trm

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Selecting the desired function




Selecting the desired function

(1) Press and hold the [SET] register until the display

shows a parameter name, then release it.

(2) Use register [3÷√] or [4÷®] to select the desired


(3) Use register [1÷–] or [2÷+] to set the desired value.

Press registers [1] and [2] simultaneously to return to
the factory setting of the currently selected parame-

(4) If you don’t need to change any other PARAM LIST

parameter, press the [SET] register to leave this
mode. Otherwise, proceed:

(5) Use register [3÷√] or [4÷®] to select another parame-

ter, and continue with steps (3)~(4).

(6) See “Saving your changes” on p. 27 if you want to

keep your changes.
To use them only temporarily, press the [SET] register
to leave “PARAM LIST” mode.

PARAM LIST parameters

Musette Detune

This parameter allows you to choose the
system used for detuning the 8’ reeds of
registers [5] MASTER, [6] MUSETTE and [7]
VIOLIN. It only applies to the Treble section. (After
selecting Set 5, “FR FOLK”, you can also detune the [4]
ORGAN register.) See page 35 for details. Also remem-
ber that registers [6] and [7] allow you to add a third 8’
reed by pressing that register twice in succession.

The possibilities are: “Off” (no detune), “1” (Dry),
“2” (Classic), “3” (F-Folk), “4” (American L),
“5” (American_H), “6” (North Eur), “7” (German L),

“8” (D-Folk L), “9” (Italian L), “10” (German H),
“11” (Alpine), “12” (Italian H), “13” (D-Folk H),
“14” (French), “15” (Scottish).

Master Tune

(15.3~66.2, Default setting: 40.0) This
parameter allows you to change the
FR-3’s overall tuning, which may be nec-
essary when you play with acoustic instruments that
cannot be tuned easily, or if you use a CD or cassette
tape as accompaniment. The factory default, “40.0”,
represents the reference pitch used by all electronic
musical instruments. Note that for space reasons the
first digt of the frequency value (a “4”) is not shown.


(–6~0~5, Default setting: Std) This
parameter allows you to transpose all
sections of the FR-3. See page 34 for

Treble Mode (only on the FR-3sb and FR-3b)

([1] C-Griff Europe, [2] C-Griff 2,
[3] B-Griff Bajan, [4] B-Griff Fin,
[5] D-Griff 1, [6] D Griff 2, Default set-
ting: 1) Like for the accordion instrument itself, there
are different varieties of chromatic instruments, with
different Treble button layouts..

Since your FR-3sb or FR-3b is an electronic musical
instrument, changing the note assignments to the but-
tons is a matter of selecting the preset that best suits
your playing style. You’ll probably only change this set-
ting once. But it’s nice to know that it exists in case you
let a fellow accordion player from another country play
your FR-3sb/b.

Please look at the illustrations on page 39 to identify
the setting you need. Pay attention to the note names
(all Cs appear on a grey background) and look at how
they are arranged, then make your selection. The num-
bers next to the letters refer to the octave. The numbers
below the note names represent the corresponding
MIDI note numbers.

You may have noticed that the Treble buttons are col-
ored white (for notes without alteration) and black
(notes with alteration, i.e.

#/b). This coloring doesn’t

change when you select another system.
(You can, however, unscrew the buttons and install the
in the right places so as to make the white and black
buttons correspond to the notes being played.)





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