Raritan Computer II User Manual

Page 19

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2: I



2. Line 2: User port status message: “A/N User (1, 2, 3 …)


User port status displays a scrolling status of all user ports, one user port per second. The User’s active
channel, 1 through 256, is displayed after the user port number.

Raritan Computer Paragon II: Paragon832/1


A User (1, 2, 3 … 8)


A=Active User # 1-8

- OR -

Raritan Computer Paragon II: Paragon832/1


N User (1, 2, 3, … 8)


N=Non-Active User # 1-8

Figure 7 LCD Normal Display

Power Up Option:
If you hold down the [FUNC] button on the front panel of the Paragon II unit during Power Up, the
Paragon II unit will clear its database and reset to factory defaults. Confirm functions by pressing the [ENT]
button on the front panel.

Clear Database

Hit Ent/ESC?

Figure 8 Power Up Clear Database

Function Selection Screen:
Several administrative functions can be performed on the Function Selection Screen on the Paragon II
unit’s front panel.

Display Ver./SN
Test User UST1
Test Chan. UKVM
Test Stack Unit
Stacking Support
Set LCD Contrast
Set IP Address
Reset Unit

Figure 9 LCD Functions

Selecting a Function:
Press the [FUNC] button on the front panel of the Paragon II unit to enter Function Selection mode and use
the [ ] and [ ] buttons to scroll through the Function List. Press the [ENT] button on the front panel to
select displayed function and use the instructions below for each specified function. Press the [ESC] button
on the front panel at any time to return to Normal Display.

Function Menu

Display Ver./SN

Figure 10 Function Selection
