Editing chord events — chd, Editing system events — sys/ex. (system exclusive) – Yamaha 205M EN User Manual

Page 107

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Recording Your Performances and Creating Songs— Song Creator



Editing Chord Events — CHD

From this display, you can edit the chord events you’ve recorded to the song.
Calling up operations here apply to step 4 on page 97. Use the [BACK]/[NEXT] buttons to call up the display below.
With the exception of the [F] (EXPAND) button, the operations here are the same as those in Editing Note Events
(page 106).

Chord Events

Editing System Events — SYS/EX. (System Exclusive)

From this display, you can edit recorded System events.
Calling up operations here apply to step 4 on page 97. Use the [BACK]/[NEXT] buttons to call up the display below. The
operations here are the same as those in Editing Note Events (page 106).

System Events



Style (Accompaniment

Displays the accompaniment style name. To enter an accompaniment style, call up the STYLE display and select
the desired style.


Determines the tempo value.


Specifies the chord — its root note, chord type, and on-bass note.

Sect (Section)

Specifies the section — its name and variation.

OnOff (Channel on/off)

Determines whether specific channels (rhythm, bass, etc.) are turned on/off.

CH.Vol (Channel volume)

Determines the level of specific channels (rhythm, bass, etc.).

S.Vol (Style volume)

Determines the level of the entire accompaniment style.



ScBar (Score initial measure) This determines the number of the top measure. The measure number is indicated in the MAIN display or in the

music notation (CVP-205 only). Only one value can be specified at the beginning of the song data.


Determines the tempo value.

Time (Time signature)

Determines the time signature.


Determines the key, as well as the major/minor setting.

XG Prm (XG parameters)

Allows you to make various detailed changes to the data. For more information on XG parameters, refer to the
separate Data List booklet (MIDI Data Format).

SysEx (System Exclusive)

Displays the System Exclusive data in the song. This does not let you change the actual contents of the data;
however, it lets you delete, cut, copy, and paste the data.

Meta (Meta event)

Displays the SMF meta events in the song. This does not let you change the actual contents of the data;
however, it lets you delete, cut, copy, and paste the data.

Press this to convert the
recorded chord and section
entries into song data.

To actually enter an edited
value, move the cursor away
from the value or press the

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