Verseo e – Activeforever Verseo ePen Permanent Hair Removal System User Manual

Page 14

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Is The



-PEN really painless?

Yes. All you feel is a slight tingling sensation when you use it on your face. Apply more

gel to reduce this. Metal teeth fillings sometimes react to the treatment and you may

experience a slight metallic taste which only lasts for a short time. This is quite normal.

Occasionally your skin will turn pink around the treatment area. This again is normal and

will disappear in a short time.

The red light will not go on?

This normally indicates the 2 x AA (MN 1500) alkaline batteries need replacing.

The green conductivity light will not go on?

Poor conductivity maybe due to treatment area not being clean, or insufficient gel. Make

sure your finger is damp when touching the gold probe button when touching the hair -

this helps conductivity. Make sure the cotton bud/Q tip is thoroughly damp and pushed

firmly into the control unit so that the cotton touches the gold metal ring.

Check the red power light is on, if not the batteries need replacing.

What causes excessive hair growth?

A number of conditions. Hormonal changes, stress, menopause, puberty, medication or

hereditary conditions. These can all influence hair growth.

After treatment

If the skin is spotty, try a non-greasy antiseptic cream.

After treatment make up

Simply follow your normal beauty and make up routines after treatment.

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