Chapter 13-5. search pos transactions – Acumen AiM 108CH User Manual

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Chapter 13-5. Search POS Transactions

Too search a particular search conditions such as an amount, a product item, subtotal, and total,
a user can set the search condition for associated time stamp. Click on the item in the listbox.
It can play the video of the transaction.

Chapter 13-6. Scanner Connection Basis for Transportation Business

For transportation business, a barcode scanner and a keyboard are widely used. The barcode
scanner for scanning barcode is connected to a PC via the PS/2 connector of the AIM PC. The
barcode scanner acts as a keyboard. In AIM Software HD 2.6, the scanner connection only
accepts 0 to 9 for keyboard scanner or the barcode scanner.

To use barcode scanner as transaction device, connect barcode scanner into PS/2 connector.
In “Camera Settings” dialog box, enable “barcode scanner” option. For one PC, there is only
one video channel that can be set for the barcode scanner.

For search barcode transactions and playback on t

he barcode transaction, please see “Playback

with POS Transactions” and “Search POS Transactions” for detail.
