Engine area, Introduction – EVS Xsquare Version 2.1 User Manual User Manual

Page 36

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Cluster Name


Needed Parameters

Playlist Rendering

The cluster engines will process the jobs of rendering a
playlist EDL into a consolidated file and/or clip (in an EVS

When you assign an engine to this cluster, you
need to make sure the associated engines have
the Xsecure transcoding license, as not check
is performed in the engine assignment.

No parameter

Playlist Export

The cluster engines will process the jobs that back up all
playlist elements (EDL) into a list of files.
With such a job, the engine will create child jobs

No parameter


The engines of the Removable Device cluster will
process jobs having, a source or first destination, which is
a lower performing storage (such as IPDrives Disks or
USB keys) located on their local computer.
Consequently, you should add to this cluster all engines
installed on computers connected to a removable device
being the source or first destination of XTAccess jobs.
This cluster will always be at the top of the cluster list.

No parameter


The cluster engines will process the grab jobs.

No parameter


Engine Area


The Engine area in the Orchestration window shows all engines (XTAccess) associated
to Xsquare, as well as their configuration parameters.

You configure the XTAccess applications from this area. The XTAccess configuration is
saved in the Xsquare database. Each time the configuration of an XTAccess is modified,
the change is pushed to the engine, without requiring an engine reboot.


3. Configuration

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.

Issue 2.1.A June 2013
