Shindy 17-850_S_T Water Temperature Gauges User Manual

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1. Drain coolant or oil as needed. NOTE: When disposing of drained coolant or oil, always obey local disposal
laws and regulations.
2. Install sensor ○


by removing the stock sensor and installing the new sensor in the same place.

3.Secure the digital temperature gauge using fastening tape ○


in a comfortably visible place.

4. If necessary, connect LED light code to vehicle's battery or a 9V dry cell battery purchased separately.

*Be sure to ground the black GND-code even if the LED light code is not connected to external battery

in order to stabilize the display. Non resistor spark plug or racing plug may cause display freeze. If this is the
case, change it to a resistor spark plug.

*The chargeable lithium battery(ML2430/3V) inside the housing cannot be exchanged. Disassembling

the gauge will cause serious damage such as malfunction and/or foggy display, etc. Disassembling this device
waves all responsibilities and guaranteed of seller. *DO NOT use AC power supply. It will damage the circuit.

*In case the display disappears in the matter of minutes after being charged, it may be the end of

battery life. Battery exchange must be done by a designated distributor of Daytona.
