Bell & Gossett 6 71 075 111A Autocirc Instant Hot Water Pump Model ecocirc 23 5 ACT User Manual

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Preparation for Installation:É

Assemble the parts and tools required:É

1. Open and inspect Autocirc pump package.É

2. AutocircÉpump package includes the pump with a built-in tˆ“i¿, a 6ft. cord, ЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙ

ÉÉÉÉÉand wall mounting bracket.É

3. Two stainless steel flexible hoses (1/2” x 3/8”) - length as required. Й

ЙЙЙЙ(sold separately)É

4. Adjustable wrench and screwdriver.É

5. Select the sink under which the Autocircɪԓp is to be locatÉÉed (the sink ЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙЙ

ÉÉÉÉÉwhere hot water takes longest to arrive).É



Step 1Й


If not already available, install a 115 Volt/ 60Hz

outlet within six (6) feet of the installation site (the

faucet/tap farthest from the water heater), as the

Autocirc is supplied with a 6 ft. long, grounded

cord. The Autocirc pump requires only 14 watts

and 0.3 amps of power (see Fig. 1).Й


Step 2Й


Autocirc pump and mounting bracket come

preassembled. Remove mounting bracket from

Autocirc by carefully sliding the mounting bracket

off the (4) supporting pins on the Autocirc pump

body. Fasten the mounting to the wall under the

sink using the wall bracket provided in the Autocirc

kit. Mount AutocircÉpump into position by aligning

and securing mounting bracket to the (4) support

pins. Be sure the pump timer is turned toward the

front and is accessible for setting and changing the

time (see Fig. 2). The pump must be installed only in
a vertical position as shown.Й


Step 3Й


Close the under sink hot and cold water riser

shut-off valves and open the hot and cold water

faucets/taps to relieve the water pressure. Close the

water faucets/taps after pressure has bled from the



Note: in some older homes, the riser shut-off valves

may be difficult to shut off completely. If this is the

case turn the water off at the main water inlet valve

to the house.Й


CAUTION: Do Not fasten pump to a thin wood panel

wall as this might create a vibration noise when the

pump is operating.Й


Figure 1Й


Figure 2Й


Figure 3Й
