Must read – Electronics International FL-1 User Manual

Page 6

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Note: To acknowledge a blinking LED (i.e., to stop the blinking), change the position of the Selector
Switch. Once a blinking warning is acknowledged it will not occur again until the FL-1's power has
been turned off and back on. Although these blinking warnings are valuable, they can be annoying.
For this reason we provide a way of shutting them off.

During night operation the analog LED's may be too bright. If so, turn the panel light rheostat up and

the analog lights (LED's) will dim. If you wish to control the intensity of the LED's independent of the
panel light rheostat, a LED Intensity Control Pot is available from Electronics International. The red LED
will always be displayed at full intensity.

Digital Display:

Digital Display:

Digital Display:

Digital Display:

Digital Display:

With the Selector Switch in the left position the digital display will show the fuel level in liters. With

the Selector Switch in the right position the digital display will show the fuel level in pounds and in the
middle position the digital display will show the fuel level in gallons. Fuel levels below 2 gallons will be
displayed as "0."

If the digital display backlight has been permanently powered up (as recommended), the digital display

will be easier to see during low ambient light conditions and at night.

On power-up the FL-1 performs the following tests in sequence:

1. The fuel tank calibration data is check for errors. A table of error codes is provided in the calibra-

tion section of this manual. If an error is found, the appropriate error code is displayed and the FL-1
operation is stopped.

2. A self test is performed, all the LED's are sequenced and "8888" is shown on the digital display.

***** MUST READ *****

***** MUST READ *****

***** MUST READ *****

***** MUST READ *****

***** MUST READ *****

Accuracy Limitations:

Accuracy Limitations:

Accuracy Limitations:

Accuracy Limitations:

Accuracy Limitations:

The accuracy limitations of the FL-1 are listed below. It is the pilot/owner's obligation to make

It is the pilot/owner's obligation to make

It is the pilot/owner's obligation to make

It is the pilot/owner's obligation to make

It is the pilot/owner's obligation to make

anyone flying the aircraft aware of these limitations.

anyone flying the aircraft aware of these limitations.

anyone flying the aircraft aware of these limitations.

anyone flying the aircraft aware of these limitations.

anyone flying the aircraft aware of these limitations.

1. Angle of Attack -

1. Angle of Attack -

1. Angle of Attack -

1. Angle of Attack -

1. Angle of Attack - The FL-1 must be calibrated with the aircraft in a cruise angle of attack. If the

aircraft is in a condition other than cruise, depending on the mounting location and type of sensor
used, the FL-1 may display inaccurate fuel levels. If your aircraft does not sit at a cruise angle of
attack when on the ground, it may not display accurate fuel levels. Test your aircraft at different

Test your aircraft at different

Test your aircraft at different

Test your aircraft at different

Test your aircraft at different

angles of attack and see what the effects are on the fuel level readings for the FL-1.

angles of attack and see what the effects are on the fuel level readings for the FL-1.

angles of attack and see what the effects are on the fuel level readings for the FL-1.

angles of attack and see what the effects are on the fuel level readings for the FL-1.

angles of attack and see what the effects are on the fuel level readings for the FL-1.

2. Full Fuel Readings -

Full Fuel Readings -

Full Fuel Readings -

Full Fuel Readings -

Full Fuel Readings - As a tank is filled the fuel sensor may not be able to detect the fuel entering

the upper corners of the fuel tank. If this is the case with your sensor, the FL-1 will display lower
fuel levels than the actual fuel in the tanks when the tanks are full. When the fuel level drops to a
point where the fuel sensors start to detect a change, the displayed fuel level should be accurate.

