The effect of temperature on making kimchi, Selecting cabbages for kimchi, Select the right type of radish – LG GR-K243UG User Manual

Page 37: Using m ethod

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The effect of temperature on making Kimchi

The ambient temperature affects the seasoning process. Kimchi stores well and keeps
its taste well at temperature below 10 .

Selecting cabbages for Kimchi

There are over 50 varieties of cabbage. Round heads make better Kimchi than the long,
thin heads. The soft, white inner leaves and soft outer leaves of light green and light
blue colored are the most desirable.

Select the right type of radish

There are many types of radish Kimchi. For a radish used to spice a cabbage Kimchi,
Chosun radishes are superb. Select a radish that has a large root and is moist.
To make Chonggak Kimchi, use a Seoul (Nehrubak) radish. They should be thick near
the tips, round, small, and hard. Many types of radish can be sliced and added to any
Kimchi to improve the flavor. The radish of which the upper part is white is more
desirable than blue.
For Broth Kimchi, use a conventional radish. Select radishes with smooth leaves whose
upper parts are white.

To store Kimchi for a long period of time

Because Kimchi is a live food, it will go bad after a
long period of time, but scientifically to extend the
storage of Kimchi, you need to store it in low
temperature (near 0 ) and make it saltier. And if
you store the Kimchi submerged in the juice and
cover it with a clean plastic wrap or with fresh
vegetables on top of it, you can extend the period of
storing the Kimchi by reducing oxidation.

plastic wrap




