Discovery steps, Overview, Testing your smi-s providers (optional) – HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual

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HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 User Guide


example, in the phased discovery described in ”

Discovering Elements

” on page 27, you could

discover your switches first. In this case, you would enter only the global credentials that apply to

the switches. After successfully running the switch discovery task, you would replace the switch

credentials with the global protocol settings for the next set of elements you want to discover.

Some elements lock you out without warning after multiple failed login attempts. This can also

occur with hosts, depending on your security settings. If you enter several sets of global

credentials, HP SIM will try each set in the order it was entered. When the element is passed to

HP Storage Essentials, HP Storage Essentials tries each credential again. If there are too many

failed login attempts, you may be locked out of the element.

Discovery Steps


When HP Storage Essentials is integrated with HP SIM, discovery is performed from the HP SIM

discovery user interface pages. Discovery includes the following tasks:

1. Testing your SMI-S Providers (Optional)

, page 23

2. Configuring the Selective Discovery Filter (Optional)

, page 23

3. Configuring the HP SIM Connector to Pass Devices with the DNS Name (Optional)

, page 24

4. Signing in to HP SIM

, page 24

5. Enabling Product Health Monitoring

, page 25.

6. Discovering the HP Storage Essentials Management Server

, page 26.

7. Discovering Elements

, page 27.

Testing your SMI-S Providers (Optional)

If you want to verify that an SMI-S provider is configured correctly, run the wbemdisco tool. See the

Troubleshooting for SMI-S providers document at



Configuring the Selective Discovery Filter (Optional)

During discovery, HP SIM sends HP Storage Essentials the IP address and credential information for

the elements it has processed. The HP SIM Connector restricts the elements passed to HP Storage

Essentials to the types of elements that HP Storage Essentials supports. If you want to selectively filter

the elements that are passed from HP SIM to HP Storage Essentials in discovery operations, use the

selective discovery filter to define the set of devices that can pass from HP SIM to HP Storage


For example, if HP SIM is monitoring a large number of servers, and a subset of those servers has

SAN-attached storage that you want to monitor with HP Storage Essentials, you can use the selective

discovery filter to configure the environment so only that subset of servers is processed by both HP

Storage Essentials and HP SIM.
For more information, see ”

Selective Discovery Filter

” on page 69.

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