Soil sampling mode – Ag Leader SMS Mobile Operating Modes Quick Start Guide User Manual

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SMS Mobile Operating Modes
Revision 8/1/2013 © 2013 Ag Leader Technology, Inc All Rights Reserved


Soil Sampling Mode

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SMS Mobile allows you to load, create, or edit soil sampling datasets. Soil Sampling data can
either be points, grids, or polygon regions. SMS Mobile not only provides the tools to create
soil sampling locations but it also provides tools for helping you navigate to each sample.

To create a soil sampling dataset follow these steps:


Select the Field Operation bar or Main Menu item and then select Soil Sampling.


You will now be prompted to either create a new dataset or open an existing dataset.


The next step depends on if you have GPS, field boundaries, and if you are close to or
within a field boundary. If you don't have GPS or a field boundary you are in or close
to then you will be prompted to manually select your Grower, Farm, Field. If you have
GPS and are within range of a Field Level boundary(s) but not inside of one you will
be prompted with a list of the closest fields or given the option to manually select a
Grower/Farm/Field. If you have GPS and are within an existing Field level boundary
then it will be automatically selected.


If you selected to add to or edit an existing dataset you will now be prompted with a
tree of available datasets that can be selected for the selected Field above and that
are also soil sampling datasets.


You will now be prompted to select the management items for your new soil sampling
dataset, after which you will be taken to the Soil Sampling mode editor.


You will now be prompted with the default attributes that are currently available and
the current default values for each. All sample sites that are created will get these
attributes and their values. These values can be edited now before you continue. You
can NOT add attributes from here. Attributes can only be added from the Operations
setup. Press OK to continue.


You will now enter the Soil Sampling Mode editor. Now select Create Samples from
the Main Menu or from the Map Toolbar.


You will now be prompted to select the source area to use to generate your samples
from. You can either use your Field Level boundary, your current selection on the
map, or one of reference layers you currently have mapped. Press OK once you make
your selection.
