Vaisala TCI101 NiteStar User Manual

Page 15

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The DMI can be used to assist in this process. Begin your dis-
tance at the start of the road and at each house divide the dis-
tance by 50, for example, and you have the number. The DMI per-
forms this function and no calculations are necessary. With the
PRE-DISTANCE function of the DMI you can start your address
numbering from a known value. If a new house is added you
would not have to drive the entire road to locate a new address.



The Unit Measurement is the distance segment used to deter-
mine a house number for E-911 addressing (i.e. 5.28 ft, 10 ft,
10.56 ft, 1 meter, and so on).

STEP 1 : Set the unit measurement (Feet, Miles or KM), you wish
to use for addressing. If using whole feet measurement, set unit
measurement to FEET. If using feet measurement with decimal
point set unit measurement to MILES. And, if you are using a
meter measurement set unit measurement to KM.

The MILES and KM unit measurement will display a whole digit
number with three decimal points. The third decimal point in
MILES unit measurement represents 1/1000th of a mile, or 5.28
feet. Also, the third decimal point in the KM unit measurement
represents 1/1000th of a KM, or 1 meter.

STEP 2 : To set the unit measurement; press this sequence of
keys, 8PDI key, 2UNIT key (DISTANCE), MARK/ENTR key.

NOTE : After you press the “2 UNIT” key, the default “1” will
appear. At this time re-enter the value of unit measurement need-
ed. Then press MARK/ENTER key.


The Count Increment number is the amount of unit measurements
traveled to increment the count displayed in the interval window.
The Count Increment number displayed in the interval window, as


when you are measuring a street or road for addressing, is the
actual E-911 house number. For example, if you set a unit mea-
surement of 10 feet and a count increment of 1 you will have a
house number of 1 at the first 10 ft mark, a house number of 2 at
the 20 ft mark, a house number of 3 at the 30 ft mark, etc.

To set the count increment value depress the following sequence
of keys: 8PDI key, 7SPEED key, and choose the INCREMENT

Please note that after you press the 7SPEED key, the default “1”
will appear. At this time re-enter value of count increment need-
ed. Then press MARK/ENTR.

While entering increment distance, depressing CLEAR/RST key
will set the distance measurement and house number to 0.


To have your count increment began at a certain value other than
0 depress the following sequence of keys: 8 PDI key, 8 PDI key,
(HOUSE NUMBER), MARK/ENTER key. The value will appear in
the INTERVAL window.


The NITESTAR has other specialized functions that are accessed
by pressing the PRM key then a number key. These are functions
that are not needed all the time but do prove very useful to many



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