Campbell Scientific COM310 Voice Communications Modem User Manual

Page 42

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Appendix D. Set Rings, AT Parameters


(3) Step 3

(a) Dial the phone number

(b) Wait until “Connected” appears at lower-left on screen. You will hear

some tones as a modem connection is established.

(c) After connection HyperTerminal should display:


(d) Wait until you see the “>” prompt

(e) Type a couple of <CR>s until you see “+++”

(f) HyperTerminal should then display:



(g) At the “>” prompt you can type AT commands to the Connexant

chipset in your COM310. See CAUTION.

There is a summary of AT commands in the COM210 Instruction
Manual, Appendix A available on CSI’s web site.

(h) To see version number of the COM310 OS, type, “HOS”.

You should see “H8 OS mm.dd.yy” on the terminal screen.

(i) To quit, type “ATH” <ENTER> and wait until “Disconnected”

appears at lower-left on screen. This may take a half minute or so.

(j) Save your HyperTerminal connection setup by clicking on “File” and

then “Save.” Thereafter you can start on Step 3.
