Asus Motherboard P5RD1-V User Manual

Page 78

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C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p

C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p

C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p

C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p

C h a p t e r 4 : B I O S s e t u p






JumperFree Configuration

JumperFree Configuration

JumperFree Configuration

JumperFree Configuration

JumperFree Configuration

Configure System Frequency/Voltage

AiBooster Support


AI Overclocking


PCIE Frequency




DDR Voltage


VCore Voltage Select


Over NB Core Voltage 1.2V


Over PCIE Voltage 1.8V


Legacy USB Support [Auto]

Legacy USB Support [Auto]

Legacy USB Support [Auto]

Legacy USB Support [Auto]

Legacy USB Support [Auto]

Allows you to enable or disable support for USB devices on legacy
operating systems (OS). Setting to Auto allows the system to detect the
presence of USB devices at startup. If detected, the USB controller legacy
mode is enabled. If no USB device is detected, the legacy USB support is
disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]

USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]

USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]

USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]

USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]

USB 2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]

Allows you to configure the USB 2.0 controller in HiSpeed (480 Mbps) or
Full Speed (12 Mbps). Configuration options: [HiSpeed] [Full Speed]

BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]

BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]

BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]

BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]

BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the BIOS EHCI hand-off function.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

AiBooster Support [Enabled]

AiBooster Support [Enabled]

AiBooster Support [Enabled]

AiBooster Support [Enabled]

AiBooster Support [Enabled]

Enables or disables the AiBooster feature support.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

AI Overclocking [Auto]

AI Overclocking [Auto]

AI Overclocking [Auto]

AI Overclocking [Auto]

AI Overclocking [Auto]

Allows selection of CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU
internal frequency. Select either one of the preset overclocking
configuration options:

M a n u a l

M a n u a l

M a n u a l

M a n u a l

M a n u a l - allows you to individually set overclocking parameters.

A u t o

A u t o

A u t o

A u t o

A u t o - loads the optimal settings for the system.

S t a n d a r d

S t a n d a r d

S t a n d a r d

S t a n d a r d

S t a n d a r d - loads the standard settings for the system.

O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e

O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e

O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e

O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e

O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e - loads overclocking profiles with optimal parameters

for stability when overclocking.

A I N . O . S .

A I N . O . S .

A I N . O . S .

A I N . O . S .

A I N . O . S . - the ASUS AI Non-delay Overclocking System feature

intelligently determines the system load and automatically boost the
performance for the most demanding tasks.

This manual is related to the following products: