AMX Control System Accessories Anterus User Manual

Page 33

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Anterus RFID Solution

Send Commands (Cont.)

Auto Poll Time

The Tags actively transmit, and the Reader picks them up and stores them into
an event cue. "Auto poll" tells the Reader how often to read the cue.
The ANT-RDR device will enable its auto poll feature when Channel 139 is ON
and disable the auto poll feature when Channel 139 is OFF.
• Range = 50 to 6000 milliseconds (ms)
• Default = 2000 ms
Response: AP <MLSEC>
• MLSEC: mlsec in the polling interval (Range = 50 - 6000 ms).


Master requests current auto poll time interval.


Master set, or ANT-RDR report, auto poll time interval is 5 sec.

Tag Information

The Tag Information (TG) command is sent by the Master to request the cur-
rent Tag status on the ANT-RDR.
Note: This command will only report status on Tags that pass through the
Reader Filters.
The Tag message may contain information about more than one Tag bounded
by the maximum length of an AXLink message (64 bytes).
Response: TG [T<TID> R<RSSI> P<LIFE> A<AFLG> B<FUT> …]
• TID: The tag's unique Tag ID, an 8 character string formatted such that a

tag's type can be identified by the first character.

• RSSI: RSSI strength value of tag's transmission

(Range = 0 - 255, where 0 = no signal, and 255 = max RSSI signal possible).

• LIFE: The Percent of Battery Life left on the Tag (0 - 100%).
• AFLG: Activity Flag, a single byte denoting if the tag has just crossed the

Acquired Threshold and been acquired; just crossed the Lost Threshold and
is lost, or the change in RSSI value since the last sent Tag RSSI value is
greater than the Sensitivity range. Values are:
2 for acquired,
1 for RSSI value change,
0 for lost.

• FUT: Future Flag, a single byte to be populated in the future to signal an alert

when tags include tamper proof indicators or to signal a push and release
event when tags are created with a button. In this release will be set to 0.



Master requests the current tag status on an ANT-RDR


ANT-RDR has no tags to report

SEND_ COMMAND 'TG T12345678 R45 P25 A2 B0 T87654321 R234 P80 A1 B0

ANT-RDR reports information from 2 tags:

• TagID:12345678 RSSI:45 battery:25% has just been acquired;
• TagID:87654321 RSSI:234 battery:80% has changed RSSI value
