Lenovo Secure Managed Client User Manual

Page 41

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Connect to the storage array and mount the destination LUN. Since this will
completely wipe out all contents, make sure you back up any important data
on this LUN.


Run the cmd file as an Administrator and then type diskpart and press Enter.

>list disk (assume disk 2 is the LUN you just mounted)
>select disk 2
>create partition primary size=1500 (1.5G for system partition. You can use
other size as long as it is not too small
>format LABEL=”ServiceV003” [quick]

/*Note:Label must be “ServiceV003” for bmgr32 to work correctly later*/

>assign [letter=I]
>active (this makes the system partition bootable)
>create partition primary size= yoursize (this is your vista system partition)
>format LABEL=”SW_Preload" [quick]
>assign [letter=J]
>create partition primary /*Your data partition*/
>format LABEL="Lenovo" [quick]
>assign [letter=k]
>list volume (use this command to find drive letter for the LUN if you
didn’t specify driver letter when “assign” and also the drive letter for
your USB drive which contains your wim file)

Assume that the drive letter is D for the USB drive, I for the system partition
created on the LUN, J for the Windows Vista system partition that you created
on the LUN, and K for the data partition. Now you can apply the .wim file to
your LUN.

Imagex /apply D:\myimg\Vista32.wim 1 J:
Imagex /apply D:\myimg\ServicePartition.wim 1 I:
Imagex /apply D:\myimg\DataPartition.wim 1 K:


Use the provided batch file DriveLetter.bat to adjust the drive letters.
Script arguments:



″driveletter″ - Specify the current drive letter (under WinPE)

of the system partition. This is Required.



″driveletter″ - Specify the target drive letter (under Windows

Vista) of the system partition. This is Required.



″driveletter″ - Specify the current drive letter (under WinPE) of

the OS partition. This is Required.

This will make the image bootable.


You can only call the batch file from Vista/Vista PE. It will NOT work

on XP/XP PE).

DriveLetter /currentsystem:I




Now you can start the LUN.


Windows Vista will start to run after several restarts.


Open a DOS command using Run as administrator. Run the provided batch
file BCDFix.bat to fix BCD entries to make the preload work correctly. Assume
your Vista Drive (SW_Preload) is C, the system drive (ServiceV003) is S, and
the Data drive (Lenovo) is D.







The system will reboot at the end of script.


In order to make the preload work properly, you need run both step 20
and step 23 when using Ghost or another sector-based imaging tool.

Chapter 6. Secure Managed Client image creation and tuning

