Using hands-free phoning displaying the phone menu, Touch panel keys 28, Reading the screen 28 – Pioneer AVH-X8600BT User Manual

Page 28: Displaying the phone, Displaying the phone menu, 04 using hands-free phoning, Touch panel keys, Reading the screen

Using hands-free phoning displaying the phone menu, Touch panel keys 28, Reading the screen 28 | Displaying the phone, Displaying the phone menu, 04 using hands-free phoning, Touch panel keys, Reading the screen | Pioneer AVH-X8600BT User Manual | Page 28 / 156 Using hands-free phoning displaying the phone menu, Touch panel keys 28, Reading the screen 28 | Displaying the phone, Displaying the phone menu, 04 using hands-free phoning, Touch panel keys, Reading the screen | Pioneer AVH-X8600BT User Manual | Page 28 / 156