Configuration tools, Command line tools, Stopping vpn client: option “/stop – Billion Electric Company CO1 User Manual

Page 34: Vpn client startup mode: vpnstart

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Billion BiGuard VPN Client

Chapter 4: VPN Configuration


Configuration Tools

Command line tools

Those tools are available as command line type and are meant to be used by IT managers to
change the IPSec VPN Client behavior to their needs.
1. Stopping IPSec VPN Client
2. Import VPN Configuration
3. IPSec VPN Client Startup mode
4. Hiding IPSec VPN Client configuration user interface

Stopping VPN Client: option “/stop”

BiGuard VPN Client can be stopped at any time by the command line:
" [path]\vpnconf.exe /stop " where [path] is the client installation directory.

If there are several active tunnels, they will close properly.

This feature can be used, for example, in a script that launch the VPN Client after establishing a
dialup connection and exit it just before the disconnection.

Import VPN Configuration: option “/import” and “/importance”

BiGuard VPN Client can import a specific configuration file by the command line:
" [path]\vpnconf.exe /import:[file.tgb] " where [path] is the client installation directory, and
[file.tgb] is the VPN Configuration file.

" /import: " may be used either if the VPN Client is running or not. When the VPN Client is
already running, it imports dynamically the new configuration and automatically applies it (i-e:
restarts the IKE service). If the VPN Client is not running, it is launched with the new

" /importonce: " allows to import a VPN configuration file without running the VPN Client. This
command is especially useful in installation scripts: it allows to run a silent installation and to
import a configuration automatically.

VPN Client Startup mode: VPNSTART


is a configuration tool that sets up the client startup mode.

BiGuard VPN Client can start with 3 different modes:
1. During PC boot: this mode can be used for secure remote action.
2. At Windows login ("login" mode).
3. Launched by user or from a script ("manual" mode).

BiGuard VPN Client 3.0 and later version includes this feature into the VPN Client itself.

Hiding VPN Client configuration user interface: VPNHIDE


is a configuration tool that hides BiGuard VPN Client interface. It can be used by

IT managers for preventing end-user from modifying configuration settings.

In "invisible" mode, the window interface is never shown.
