WarmlyYours TempZone Nailed-Down Hardwood User Manual

Hardwood installation

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Hardwood Installation


Rev 5/08

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STEP 1: Install Wood Sleepers

Install wood sleepers (strips of wood 1" to 2" wide and 3/8" to
1/2" high) 19" apart across the entire plywood subfloor leaving
a p p r o p r i a t e s p a c e f o r a n y p l a n n e d c u t s a n d t u r n s . T h e
sleepers are installed to create lanes into which the 18" wide
warming system roll will be placed.

STEP 2: Lay The Heating System

Lay the floor heating system into the 19" lanes created by the
sleepers, carefully stringing the power leads alongside the
system within the lane and back to the power supply.

STEP 3: Cover Rolls With Self Leveling Cement

O n c e t h e s y s t e m i s i n p l a c e , t h e w a r m i n g r o l l s h o u l d b e
covered with self leveling cement up to and even with the top
of the wood sleepers.

STEP 4: Install Hardwood Flooring

Once the self leveling cement has dried and cured to the
manufacturer's specifications the hardwood floor can be
installed by nailing it into the wood sleepers. Be careful not to
place nails or staples near to the system's heating cable or
power leads.

Follow These Steps When Installing A System Under

Hardwood Floor Covering
