AJA Ki Pro Mini User Manual

Page 57

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KiPro Mini v4.2




The RED Epic sends ancillary data from which the reel name, clip name, take and
timecode value are obtained and passed to the Ki Pro recording.

Reel: A230

Clip Name: A230_C001_0714SW

Take: _001

Timecode Value: 20:11:05:12

Within the Ki Pro, the Reel Name that is written to the file is “A230” instead of using the
17.0 Reel Name that is set to “001” within the menu parameter.”

The full file name is “A230_C001_0714SW_001instead of using the standard clip naming
convention produced by the MEDIA menu parameters 17.0, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4, and 17.5
which would have produced a file named “SC1ATK1”.

The timecode value of 20:11:05:12 is produced instead of using the CONFIG menu
parameters of 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 which might have produced a timecode value of
01:00:00:00 in the recorded file.

Additionally, if a start/stop flag is present in the ancillary data, then instead of the value
selected in CONFIG menu parameter 8.3 Arm Recording, the starting and stopping is
produced by the start/stop flag of the camera (the Rec Key is always a viable selection
even when the Camera Data parameter is selected).

To avoid confusion, the various CONFIG or MEDIA menu parameters do not change; the
changes only affect the file written to the media. If a piece of metadata is missing, such as
Reel Name, the Ki Pro will write all other parameters and use the standard setting for a
value for which no ancillary metadata was found. This means in some cases that a file
could have a clip name associated to the camera recording, but the reel number
associated with the clip created by the camera and the Ki Pro could differ.

To make camera integration as straightforward as possible, only one selection, 13.1
Camera Data, in the CONFIG menu parameters needs to be set as opposed to settings
throughout various menu parameters in CONFIG and MEDIA menu parameters.

Important Notes About

The Various Cameras

Supported by 13.1

RED Epic:

With the RED Epic, AJA recommends sending the camera an appropriate genlock/
reference signal so that the Ki Pro recordings will be timecode accurate when compared
to the RED Epic recordings. RED Epic firmware version 1.6.24 (or later) is required for
proper operation.

RED One 24:

This setting is actually designed to extract the 23.98 frame per second from within the
RED One 720p 59.94 output. Note that "24" is used as opposed to 23.98 in order to
accommodate the user interface constraints. For the RED One, timecode should be sent
to the camera via a timecode generator in order to produce corresponding timecode
recordings on the Ki Pro. Note that even with this configuration, the timecode value
produced has an accuracy of +/- 1 frame. RED One firmware version 31.6.16 (or later) is
required for proper operation.
