HF scientific Micro200BW Turbidimeter - 0-100 NTU User Manual

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MICRO 200 BW 0-10 & 0-100 NTU (05/05)
Rev. 3.4



HF turbidimeters are manufactured to meet design criteria for nephelometers as described in Standard Methods For

Examination of Water and Wastewater. HF turbidimeters are approved by the U.S. EPA* as a means to measure the turbidity
of potable water, waste water, and other liquids.

HF turbidimeters provide a linear display of turbidity, throughout all ranges, in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU).

HF turbidimeters use solid state electronic components because they resist thermal variation and are not affected by normal line
voltage fluctuations.

HF turbidimeters can be calibrated using HF scientific factory certified Secondary Standards or Formazin. Factory

calibration is accomplished using HF scientific Secondary Standards, which are factory certified traceable to Formazin, therefore,
this instruction manual describes the proper procedures for calibration of HF turbidimeters using Secondary Standards.

HF turbidimeter manuals are designed to assist the user in taking full advantage of the instrument in a majority of its

applications. However, in the event that unusual circumstances or problems, not covered by this manual, arise please feel free
to contact our local distributor or the manufacturer.

HF scientific, inc.

3170 Metro Parkway

Fort Myers, Florida 33916-7597

Phone: (239) 337-2116

Fax: (239) 332-7643

Our engineering staff is available to help you with your specific needs.


Congratulations! We at HF scientific are proud to present you with the MICRO 200 BW turbidimeter. This instrument

represents the very latest in integrated circuit and display technology. As a result, the product is a rugged and reliable instrument
whose performance was tested thoroughly and found to meet its published specifications when it left the factory.

*EPA approved means the instrument meets or exceeds the design and performance criteria as specified in the United States
Environmental Protection Agency method 180.1.

This manual is related to the following products: