Low/high temperature notification – United Security AVD-2007 User Manual

Page 13

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Please follow the configuration drawings on page 6 and enlarged insert below to correctly operate the Temperature Moni-
toring System (TMS). The TMS becomes active when ambient temperature drops either below 40F or exceeds 120F; this
feature may be very important for patient monitoring, industrial and agriculture applications, recreational cabins, and
many more. A 3-position switch on top of the AVD-2007 selects which of the temperature limits (below 40F, above 120F,
or both) are enabled. When limits are exceeded or temperature condition is restored, the dialer unconditionally dials user-
programmed telephone number(s) and sends any of 3 pre-recorded voice messages – “LOW TEMPERATURE ALERT”,
“HIGH TEMPERATURE ALERT”, or “TEMPERATURE RESTORED’’. While temperature conditions are constantly
monitored in the background, other dialer functions are maintained.

Example (see insert on right side)
In this example CH1 position is set to ON, assuming that you’ve programmed CH1 to trigger the dialer when the input is
opened. If, on the other hand, you’ve decided not to report a temperature alert condition when CH1 is opened, simply set
the switch to OFF. If you choose to activate the dialer when the input is closed, CH1 switch must be set to the OFF
postion to report a temperature alert condition. Likewise, in the latter case, if you do not want to report a temperature alert,
then set CH1 switch to the ON position.

Rule of thumb:


To enable channels to trigger on a temperature alert condition, set the corre-
sponding switches to agree with the way the channels are programmed for either
N.O. or N.C. activation.


To prevent channels from triggering on a temperature alert condition, set the
corresponding switches opposite the way the channels are programmed for ei-
ther N.O. or N.C. activation.

For unused channels, you may set those switches in any position. REAR VIEW DETAIL

Sequence of operation
It’s important to note that the sequence for temperature alert/restore notification always starts with CH1. Subsequent
channels, programmed or not, will be serviced in ascending order. Because of this orderly progression, CH1 will always
be the first to trigger the dialer on a temperature alert and must therefore be the primary channel if time of reporting is
most urgent.

What to expect when a temperature alert message is initiated along with the user OGM
When the dialer is activated when temperature limits are exceeded or when conditions are back to normal (between 40F
and 120F), the user-programmed OGM after the customary “HELLO” will be replaced in part by one of the following
factory programmed voice messages preceeded by a series of beep tones: “LOW TEMPERATURE ALERT”, “HIGH
TEMPERATURE ALERT”, or “TEMPERATURE RESTORED’’. The duration of each message including beep tones is
4 seconds and is repeated twice. Therefore, the first 8 seconds of the user OGM will be suppressed, followed by the re-
maining portion. Depending on the number of channels programmed, it’s recommended to split the user OGM into an ID
plus OGM(s). For example: If only 2 channels (i.e. CH1 and 2) have been designated to report a temperature alert condi-
tion, pick the ID plus 2 OGMs option and try limiting the ID time to 8 or 10 seconds and OGMs 1 and 2 to 10 seconds

Be reminded that temperature changes are gradual and that it may take a while to trip the unit on low or high thresholds.
Also, once the temperature settles within the comport range between 40F and 120F it also will take some time for the unit
to send its “TEMPERATURE RESTORED’ message.


