Brauner Microphones VMX lite User Manual

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1.1 Introduction

Thank you for purchasing this original Brauner microphone and con-
gratulations on your wise and advised decision. Through your support
of highest quality products you ensure to keep up the good work and
help to keep an important part of the world famous German enginee-
ring art and culture alive and so, the spirit of non compromising quali-
ty, attention to detail, precision and endurance. Important things that
get lost along marketing strategies that loose their sense for real va-
lues more and more each day. A trend that might end up in the loss of
individualism one day. – A high price to pay!

Through your purchase of this quality product you have set an examp-
le and clearly dissociated yourself from supporting this trend. There is
an endless number of microphones available on the market today, but
there is only one Brauner. Its technical specifi cations are at the edge
of physics and defi ne a quality standard, that is only made possible th-
rough highest precision crafting technology, smallest tolerances and
enormous efforts in selecting the best components. Sure, you paid a
lot of money for this product, but we did the same because we build
to a standard, not to a price.

There is rarely any microphone available today that contain such ex-
pensive components as those being used in Brauner microphones.
We do anything to ensure maximum endurance, reliability and high-
est sonic quality in regards to our products. Brauner microphones got
nothing in common with industrial mass products. Every single micro-
phone is build by hand and with passion, from people who love buil-
ding microphones and who believe that this is the only way to make a
product carry a spirit and to become invaluable. Our philosophy is to
consider recording as an art rather than a science. So we perceive mi-
crophones as creative tools for the artist using them. Nevertheless we
put a lot of effort into setting the benchmark in regards to important
technical issues such as lowest self noise, highest possible dynamic
range and proper impulse response, but the thing that matters the
most is defi nitely the sound!

You can not entirely evaluate sound with the audio measurement ca-
pabilities given today. For this reason, the most important part in buil-
ding our microphones is a severe listening test. No Brauner micropho-
ne leaves our factory unless it passed the critical and unforgiving ears
of our engineers, that do not tolerate even the smallest deviation from
our highest standards. This has created the high reputation and es-
teem that the name Brauner became synonymous for. An esteem we
deeply feel committed to. Our target is to make each Brauner micro-
phone a perfect tool to give you distinctive and unsurpassed sound
reproduction quality. Experience a sound that will surely change your
recording life forever. Due to its high resolution, you might hear de-
tails in your recordings that you probably never even noticed before.
We wish you all the greatest joy in the world with this wonderful mi-
crophone that we have paid all our love and attention to. May it be
your reliable companion for many years to come and may it give many
unforgettable moments to you. Moments that money can´t buy…

The difference between a VM1-lite and a

The VM1-lite and the VMX-lite are technically almost identical, with
the exception of a little detail, that makes a huge difference.

Both sounds differ through their unique character. What they both
share is their high resolution of fi nest sonic detail and the enormous
depth and space around the sound. The VM1-lite has the sound that
made Brauner famous. Wide open and transparent, with all the resolu-
tion and detail you can dream of and its homogeneous imaging over
the whole frequency range. In contrast the VMX-lite offers a sound
that has a soft and silky top end and its slightly pronounced High Mid
and Bottom range. Still not coloured, still all the resolution and de-
tail, but just to give honour to the spirit of the most fabulous old vin-
tage microphones. You will love this sound for male vocals. But that is
just one example. Both sounds are useful for a huge variety of appli-
cations, depending on weather you like it more soft, silky and warm
or shiny, wide and clear. It is hard to verbally describe the sonic cha-
racteristics of a microphone and as we are talking about subtle nu-
ances, these might not instantly become obvious after just toggling
the switch and also a frequency plot does not tell a big difference. But
your ears will! Listen closely. Get into the sound. Huge, isn’t it?

Tell us about your favourite applications, that you like to use our mi-
crophones on. If you like to share your experience with others, we
might publish it on our websites knowledge base, where we will re-
port about user experiences frequently.

This manual is related to the following products: