Administration, Administration interface log-in, Start your browser – 4G Systems XSBox R4v User Manual

Page 27: Administration interface log-off, Disconnecting from the internet, Administration 27

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The XSBoxR4v is configured and managed using the administration interface. No installation is necessary on your PC/
laptop in order to be able to work with the administration interface. All you need is a browser.

Administration interface log-in

You log-in to the XSBoxR4v's administration interface as follows:


Start your browser.


Enter into your browser's address line and confirm by pressing ENTER.

Note: Should you have allocated another IP address for the XSBoxR4v, please enter this address here.


You will be requested to change the password the first time you log in to the administration interface. The
user name is admin and can not be changed. Enter your new password in the field marked New password
and confirm new password and click OK.


From now on you will log in with the user name admin and your new password.

Note: The password may have a maximum of 50 characters. Please be aware of case sensitivity in password. For example "pass-

word" and "Password" are different passwords for the XSBoxR4v.

Administration interface log-off

Administration interface >>

Simply close your browser to leave the administration interface.

Disconnecting from the internet

Administration interface >>

You can disconnect from the internet at anytime simply by pressing the button disconnect, which can be found in the
bottom of the status bar.
