Heckler&Koch P2000 User Manual

Page 8

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WArNiNG: Always clear the pistol before han dling it.

Clearing the Pistol - The P Series pistol is not con sid ered “clear” or safe unless:

1. The safety/control lever (if present) is on “SAFE” and;

2. The magazine is removed from the pistol;

3. The slide is locked to the rear and;

4. The chamber is free of brass or am mu ni tion.

To Clear the HK P Series pistol:

1. Make sure fingers are outside of the trigger guard and the pistol is pointed in

a safe direction at all times!

2. remove magazine. Depress the magazine release lever and remove the magazine

from the pistol.

3. Open and lock slide. While pointing the pistol in a safe direction lock the slide

open by pulling the slide rearward as you press the slide release upward. Watch for

a cartridge or empty case to be ejected from the pistol.

4. Inspect chamber. Inspect chamber for the presence of a cartridge or empty case by:

• Visually view ing chamber through open ejec tion port.

• Physically in sert ing finger into chamber through ejec tion port to check for the

pres ence of a cartridge or empty case.

• Remove any cartridges or empty cases from the cham ber or from with in the


The P Series pistol is now con sid ered “Clear.”

General - (Refer to Figures 3 & 4 for the location of the fea tures described be low.)

Heckler & Koch P Series pistols are recoil operated and uses a modified Browning-style

system, without a link, to lock and unlock the barrel.

Upon firing, the pressure de vel oped by the propellant gases forc es the slide and barrel

as sem bly to the rear. After moving approximately 3mm, the locking block will stop the

rearward move ment of the barrel. The bar rel is pulled downward due to the engagement

of the angled lock ing surfaces of the locking block with those located on the end of the

recoil spring guide rod. The locking block disengages from the slide and the slide contin-

ues rear ward in de pen dent ly from the barrel. The extractor, located on the right side of the

slide, extracts the spent case. The ejector, positioned in the left side of the frame rearward

of the magazine, will then eject the fired cartridge case. The rearward moving slide then

cocks the hammer and com press es the recoil spring.

Once fully to the rear, the compressed recoil spring push es the slide forward, stripping the

next cartridge from the mag a zine into the chamber. If the magazine is empty, the mag a-

zine follower lifts the slide release into position where it can stop the forward progress of

the slide and holds the slide open. If a car tridge is present in the magazine, the slide will

push the car tridge from the magazine and into the chamber.

WArNiNG: Do not rely on the slide position to de ter mine if the magazine is empty.

Always check visually and phys i cal ly to ensure the pistol is not loaded.

During the last 3mm of forward movement, the slide forces the angled surfaces of the

barrel locking block against opposing angled surfaces on the recoil spring guide rod. This

action pivots the locking block on the barrel up into engagement with the ejection port on

the slide. The breech is now locked closed and the next shot can be fired.


WArNiNG: The P Series LeM incorporates a dou ble-ac tion only mode of operation.

Any time the trig ger is pulled with a car tridge in the cham ber, the pistol will fire from

the ham mer-down position.

In the double-action only mode, the hammer always re turns to the uncocked (forward)

position after each shot. All shots are fired in the double-action only mode.

Decocking Button - Double action/single action variants of the P series use a serrated

decocking button (lever) located on the rear, left side of the frame to uncocked a cocked

pistol. Depressing the decocking button (usually using the thumb) safely drops the cocked

hammer renderings the pistol safe and uncocked.

Safety Lever (if applicable) - In addition to a decocking button on the rear of the frame,

some P series pistols may also have a safety lever installed on either (or both) sides of the

frame. Pushing the safety lever up into the “S” position places the pistol on “SAFE” while

moving the lever downward into the horizontal “F” position enables the pistol to fire.

When the front of the safety lever is fully raised above horizontal so that the “S” on the

lever itself aligns with the reference line on the frame, the safety lever is engaged and the

release of the hammer is blocked in the single-action mode of fire. In the double-action

mode, the hammer will partially cock but will not release to fire the pistol. To fire the pistol,

the front of the control lever is moved down into the horizontal position, i.e. the “FIRE”

position. In this position, the “F” on the lever aligns with the reference line located on the

frame. With the safety lever set on “F”, the pistol will fire if the trigger is pulled and a

cartridge is in the chamber.

Magazine - The P2000 model uses the same magazines as the popular USP Compact.

P Series magazines are constructed of metal with polymer floorplates, followers and

locking plate pieces. Car tridg es are positioned within the mag a zine in a stag gered ar-

rangement but are fed into the pistol from a single row under the feed lips. The car tridg es

are vis i ble through the numbered viewing holes lo cat ed in the back of the magazine. For

maintenance and clean ing, all P Series mag a zines can be dis as sem bled.

No Magazine Disconnect Feature - For maximum functionality, most P Series models

are not equipped with a magazine disconnect feature and can be fired with the magazine

removed from the pistol. The ability to fire a semiautomatic pistol while in the process

of loading or unloading is considered critical in a military, law enforcement or personal

defense encounter. A magazine disconnect is only available as an optional feature on new

P Series pistols (not the P2000SK) or can be retrofitted to existing guns. Please contact HK

Customer Service for more information (tel. 706-568-1906).

NOTe: To verify the presence or absence of the magazine disconnect feature,

CLeAr THe P Series (inside cover & page 14), ensuring the chamber is empty, the

pistol is unloaded, and pointed in a safe direction. With the magazine removed, press

the trigger. if compressing the trigger activates the hammer and the pistol “dry

fires”, no magazine disconnect is installed. if compressing the trigger fails to activate

the hammer, a magazine disconnect is present.

WArNiNG: P Series pistols, except special models with a magazine disconnect

feature installed, will fire if the magazine is re moved, a cartridge is in the chamber,

and the trigger is pressed.

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