Mariner Software Mariner Write for Mac User Manual

Page 162

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Merge Functions And Commands!

Write's functions evaluate data and issue instructions within Merge formulas. To enter a function or
command, choose a command from the Functions popup menu or type it manually.

ADVANCE - a command to advance to the next Data Record, this would be used if you need want
multiple Data records in a Template document (label templates for example).!

Example: =ADVANCE()!

AND - a function that returns 1 (true), if all of the logical conditions are true, if not it returns 0
(false). Normally used in conjunction with the IF Function to evaluate multiple conditions.!

Format: =AND(condition 1, condition
2, ...)!


Example Data:!

=AND(First="James", Last="Paar") equals 1!

Explanation - field First equals James and field Last equals Paar, all conditions are true and the function returns 1

=AND(First="Bill", Last="Paar") equals 0!

explanation - field First does not equal Bill and field Last equals Paar, all conditions are not true, the function re-
turns 0!

=IF(AND(First="Bill", Last="Paar"),"",OMIT())!

explanation - the IF function uses the AND result to determine if this Data record will be included in the merge. The
AND function (our second example) returns 0 (false), the IF function returns the false value which omits this record
from the merge.



