Studiologic Studio 90 plus User Manual

Page 16

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STUDIO 90 Plus


STUDIO 90 Plus

Locate parameter 02 through 04 on the parameter chart at top of the keyboard that
are clearly marked as TRANSPOSER 1, 2, and 3. Use these functions for
transposition. Why are there three TRANSPOSER functions? The answer is, there
are three zones, so there must be a control for transposition for each zone. Again,
look at the parameter chart on top of the keyboard. The number 02 refers to the
parameter number, TRANSPOSER refer to the transposition function and 1 refers to
zone #1. The same idea applies to parameter 03 and 04 except they refer to
TRANSPOSER 2 and 3 for zones 2 and 3. The TRANSPOSER function VALUES are
between 00 and 11. These numbers represent semi-tone transposition. You can
program each zone up to 11 semi-tones. However, you may only transpose up
with these parameters. Do not worry, you can transpose down with the help of the
next set of parameters called OCTAVE. Before using the OCTAVE function, you
must realize that a VALUE of 00 represents NO transposition. This is important for
having one sound across the keyboard chromatically. If on the other hand you
need to have some type of transposition, just enter the number of semi-tones you


To program a minor third up you must enter a value of 03 to get the desired result, for a major

fifth, enter a value of 07 and so on. After you complete this exercise please enter the value 00 in parameters 02,
03, and 04. In order to create a chromatic state across the keyboard you must adjust the OCTAVE parameters.

Parameters 05, 06, and 07 refer to OCTAVES 1, 2, and 3. This function controls
octave transposition within each zone.
The VALUES of these parameters are 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,
06, and 07. 70 being seven octaves below the natural setting of a piano and 07
being seven octave above. 60 is six octaves below, 06 being six octaves above and
so on. VALUE 00 has absolutely no transposition. To create one chromatic sound
across the keyboard, set each VALUE for parameters 05, 06, and 07 to VALUE 00.
You should now have one chromatic sound across the keyboard without any
transposition. If you have reached this point with no problems, please take a break
and play your heart out. If you have a problem, please go over each parameter.
You might have missed one or two. When you find the incorrect parameter, please
correct it, then celebrate. At this point you are half way there.

Parameters 08, 09, and 10 are midi channel functions. You will locate them on the
parameter chart as CHANNEL MIDI 1, 2 and 3. Again, 1, 2, and 3, refers for zones
one, two, and three. The VALUES of these parameters are midi channels 1 through
16, represented by 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, giving
us access to all the midi channels in the specification.
Up to this point you have created a single midi channel. This midi channel runs
across the keyboard. By using this procedure you get one chromatic sound from
the bottom of the keyboard to the top. What happens if you want three sounds
across the keyboard? Well, to start, change each midi channel to a different
VALUE. For example, keep parameter 08 the VALUE of 01, but change parameter
09, to VALUE 02 and parameter 10 to VALUE 03. If you have three sound modules
chained together by midi cables, please set each one to channel 1, then 2, then 3.
If you have one multi-timbral module, set different sounds to channels 1, 2, and 3
(refer to the sound sources' owners manual for the channel change command). At
this point you should have different sounds on three separate zones across the
keyboard. Check this by playing the keyboard. If you do not have the desired
results, check the value of each midi parameter and find your mistake. In the next
section you will learn different ways of using midi channels in conjunction with
parameters 00, split left and 01, split right, giving you totally different control across
the keyboard.

Use parameters 11, 12 and 13 for PRESET changes or program changes. There are
100 program changes. The VALUES of these parameters start at 00 and continue
through 99. If the number of the PRESET on the controller does not match the
program number on the sound source, do not worry. You will notice that it may be
one number off. This is recognized by the MIDI standard. Programming these
parameters for each zone is just like programming the previous parameters, only
this time you are sending program changes per zone. You will notice that your
sound source may have more than 100 sounds. If this is the case, look in the
owner's manual for the "program change map". Learn how to use it. In this way
you can send patch changes to sounds higher than 100. For example, if the
controller sends out a PRESET change of 99, the sound on the receiving end might
be 127 or any other number.

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