Exercising information, Warm up, Aerobic exercise session – Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RB1117 User Manual

Page 5: Exercising in your target zone

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Exercising Information

Warm Up

A successful exercise program consists of three parts, Warm Up,
Aerobic Exercise and Cool Down. Never start a training session without
warming up. Never finish one without cooling down correctly.
Perform between five and ten minutes of stretching before starting your
workout to prevent muscle strains, pulls and cramps.

Aerobic Exercise Session

Those new to exercise should exercise no more than every other day to
start with. As your fitness level increases, increase this to 2 in every 3

When you are comfortable with your routine, exercise for 6 days per
week. Always take at least one day off per week.

Exercising In Your Target Zone

To ensure that your heart is working in its exercise target zone, you need

to be able to take your pulse. If you do not have a pulse monitor, you will
need to locate the pulse in your carotid artery. This is situated in the side
of the neck and can be felt by using the index and middle fingers. Simply
count the number of beats you feel in 10 seconds and then multiply by
six to get your pulse rate. This should be taken before you start to
exercise for easy reference.

People who have a greater aerobic fitness or a lower resting pulse level
will also be able to exercise with a higher pulse level.

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