Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual

Page 212

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LON 100 Internet Server Programmer’s Reference


'the string to be retrieved and manipulated. Load the <Result>

'parameter into the XMLDocument object using the LoadXml method.

Dim myXML As New Xml.XmlDocument()


'Create a variable to reference the list of NVLs returned by the

'function. Each NVL child element in the string returned by the

'function will be considered a separate node within this list.

Dim myXmlNodeList As Xml.XmlNodeList

myXmlNodeList = myXML.SelectNodes("/iLONDataServer/NVL")

'Create a reference to a user-specified NVL from the list returned

'by DataServerList.

Dim myXmlNode As Xml.XmlNode

Const NV_INDEX As Integer = 0

myXmlNode = myXmlNodeList.Item(NV_INDEX)

'Insert the <iLONDataServer> element around the node to match the

'format required within the <Data> parameter of the DataServerGet

'function. Call the DataServerGet function, using the created

'string as input. The function will return the configuration of

'the data point with index number NV_INDEX.

myXMLreturnString =

myWebReference.DataServerGet("<iLONDataServer>" &_

myXmlNode.OuterXml & "</iLONDataServer>")

'Store the <Result> parameter returned by DataServerGet in the

'XMLDocument object created earlier. Then, reference the NVL 'element

included in the return string in the myXmlNode variable.


myXmlNodeList = myXML.SelectNodes("/iLONDataServer/NVL")

myXmlNode = myXmlNodeList.Item(NV_INDEX)

'Insert updated text into the <UCPTlocation> property of the

'string returned by DataServerGet. Then pass the string to

'DataServerSet. The <UCPTlocation> of the data point will be

'updated in the Data Server when DataServerSet is called. The

'<UCPTlocation> property is the third property within each <NVL>

'element. As a result, the index value fed to the ChildNodes

'property must be 2, since the index values are 0-based.

Dim myNewLocation As String

myNewLocation = "\Building 1\Room 3\Ceiling "

Const UCPTlocation As Integer = 2

myXmlNode.ChildNodes(UCPTlocation).InnerText = myNewLocation

myXMLreturnString = myWebReference.DataServerSet(myXML.OuterXml)

'Verify that the index number returned by DataServerSet matches

'the index number supplied in the input to the function. If they

'match, the data point was updated successfully.
