Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual

Page 30

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LON 100 Internet Server Programmer’s Reference


'Call DataPointWrite, and then call DataPointResetPriority. Note

'that the priority 'level used in the call to

'DataPointResetPriority is less than that used in the call to

'DataPointWrite. This resets the priority assigned to

'NVL_nvo01Switch to 255, and allows all other applications to write

'to the data point. The propagate value used is in each call is 1,

'so that the change is updated over the network.

retWrite = ilon.DataPointWrite(pointName, fieldName, value, _

priority, propagate)

priority = "45"

ilon.DataPointResetPriority(pointName, priority)

'Call DataPointRead and display the properties contained in the

'object returned by the function in text boxes. Note that the names

'used to extract each property from the return object match the

'property names used in the sample SOAP parameters earlier in this


retRead = ilon.DataPointRead(pointName, fieldName)

TextBox1.Text = retRead.UCPTbaseType

TextBox2.Text = retRead.UCPTfieldName

TextBox3.Text = retRead.UCPTformatDescription

TextBox4.Text = retRead.UCPTlocation

TextBox5.Text = retRead.UCPTpointName

TextBox6.Text = retRead.UCPTpointStatus

TextBox7.Text = retRead.UCPTpointUpdateTime

TextBox8.Text = retRead.UCPTpriority

TextBox9.Text = retRead.UCPTunit

TextBox10.Text = retRead.UCPTvalue

TextBox11.Text = retRead.UCPTvalueDef

End Sub
